How to create a more effective social media marketing strategy

  Most businesses new to social media marketing make one of two critical mistakes. They either give up on it too early because they don’t see immediate results or else they keep wasting resources on it even though it’s not producing results because they just know they’re supposed to do social media marketing. Both of…

What the Facebook chatbot story can teach us about content marketing

  Unless you’ve completely avoided the internet for the past few weeks (unlikely), you’ve probably heard a rather alarming story going around lately regarding chatbots that Facebook’s AI team were working on that went rogue and started planning the overthrow of humanity. You may also have heard since the story blew up across various social…

Airlines are beginning to experiment with two-way SMS customer service

When it comes to texting, there’s an interesting dynamic: while we constantly text our friends, relatives, and co-workers back and forth, we never send text messages to businesses. In recent years text message marketing has become popular so businesses are texting us, but we’re not texting back. And even if we did, there wouldn’t be…

Five qualities of an effective SMS marketing message

  Currently, there is no marketing channel that can compete with SMS when it comes to the percentage of target audience reached. When you send a text message to a database of customers who’ve opted in, approximately 98% will open that message–most within just a minute or two. Email open rates are about 20% and…